Tuesday 8 July 2014

Production Diary 3 – analysing previous student's work and summer plans

This week I carried on with the research tasks that I started with last week.

For homework we had to analyse previous student’s coursework. I chose to analyse Lorida Berisha’s work because out of all the previous students, it is the closest type of music video I want to make. The music video is quite simple and consists of the model walking around and finding the lyrics of the song. It also has some cuts of the model lip-syncing to the song. I want to achieve something similar to this apart from, I may only base my music video on the lyrics of the song and won’t have anyone performing it.
I analysed the music video, digpak and advert. For the music video I analysed it in terms of camera, editing, mise-en-scene and then talked about the strengths and weaknesses of it in general. For the digipak and advert, I talked about it in terms of colour scheme, font, image, layout and also made some other comments about other details of the product. Since both the digpak and advert were similar in a number of ways e.g. the colour scheme, I referred back to the first product when I analysed the second one. This task had helped me to understand more about the kind of music video I want to create as picking out points that were good and bad from the student’s work had made me more aware of what I could do as well as what to avoid.

Over the summer holidays I plan to do some more of the research tasks to ensure that I am prepared to finish them in the new term and start the planning tasks.
I will try and complete most of the tasks which does not require me to have a clear idea of what type of music video I want to do as at this stage I am still gathering ideas together. At the moment I am thinking of doing a music video with the lyrics of the song written on paper and a variety of other objects. I will soon start to look at the type of songs which would help me to achieve this kind of music video well –these will most likely to be slow songs as it would be much easier to edit.
I will also improve the tasks which I did not do well enough on so that I can get a better mark such as the analyses and some other tasks.
If I do get a clearer idea on what to do for my music video over the summer holidays, I would start some of the planning tasks to ensure that I can quickly start filming as soon as possible as I think this would take a long time.

Analysis of previous student’s work

Lorida Berisha
Kodaline – “All I Want” – 4:42


FINAL VIDEO from Lorida on Vimeo.


Wednesday 2 July 2014

Production Diary 2 – starting research tasks and skills audit

This week we started the some of the planning/research tasks depending on which we preferred to start with. I started with the research tasks because I am still not too sure about what I want to do for my music video so these research tasks can help me to establish more ideas.
I firstly looked through the tasks and picked the ones which I can do even without an idea about the type of music video I want to create. I chose to do the digipak research task. I found out what a digipak was by researching it on the internet and I then included an example of one on the post I posted on Blogger.
I also started on the conventions of a music video as this could help me to get some ideas on the type of music video I want to create as well. I divided this up into sections such as camera, mise-en-scene, editing and sound.

Skills audit
Some skills which I believe I can bring to the project include organisation skills, presentation skills and editing skills. Throughout GCSE and AS I have learnt a lot about organising my time since there were lots of tasks which we had to complete for the coursework. I will make sure to keep up the pace that I have been working up to for previous coursework as it will ensure that I finish the coursework on time.
For AS media I had learnt how to use a variety of different software to present my work so that it is professional and also interesting. For example, I used Prezi and Issuu to present my work in a professional way. These software worked very well and so I plan to use it for my coursework this year as well.
Since I have had some experience in editing on software such as Photoshop and InDesign, I will be able to use the skills I have developed for this coursework. Since I completed my AS media coursework, I have become much better at editing. For example with photos, I am familiar with changing the settings e.g. brightness, contrast, colour etc. and deleting the background.