Sunday 29 March 2015

Production Diary 23 – summary of the project

In this project I gained a lot of new skills as I was introduced to Adobe Premiere Pro. For example, I learnt how to use different effects such as the ultra key to remove the green background and how to use the motion effect and key framing to create transitions. I found that editing on Premiere was not as difficult as I imagined and it just takes some practice to become familiar with it and use it well. I enjoyed the editing process a lot as it was something new to me which I explored as I went along. I was also able to develop existing skills I had in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign by looking on the internet to find out about different functions which I could use.

The filming process was also a very exciting part of the project which was the point where I gradually had become more immersed into the creation of my music video. This was perhaps the most difficult part of the project as the final product relies on what you achieve in the filming stage.

After doing many projects, I have been reminded how important time management is when carrying out a project as planning out what you should do can help you to use your time efficiently.

Overall, I have enjoyed doing this project as I had come across a lot of new challenges which allowed me to develop useful skills for the future.

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